Flavio Senoner
Flavio Senoner was born 1970 in Bolzano / Italy.
Studies at the Art Academy in Florence, Art Academy of Brera in Milan and Barnet Art and Design High School in London.
In 1998 he taught woodcarving in sacral Art at the Art Academy of Brera in Milan.
He has been a member of the South Tyrolean Art Association since 2008
2022 “Hidden Space” - Kunstforum Unterland - IT
2022 ”Capaciti of Line” - Vijion Art Gallery - IT
2019 ART THE HAGUE NL=US Art Gallery, Rotterdam - NL
50x50x50 ART SÜDTIROL_Freiräume, Festung Franzensfeste, Bolzano - IT
Exhibition Museum am Dom, Trier - D
Vera Galis - Flavio Senoner - Double SOLO
NL=US Art Gallery - Rotterdam - NL
2018 "Golgotha" cathedral of Trento - IT
Aesthetica 2018 Art Prize - Longlisted - York - UK
2017 Landgewinn, 50x50x50, Festung Franzensfeste, Bolzano - IT
Über alle Berge, Galerie Markt Brückmühl (Catalogue) - D
50x50x50 Landgewinn-Franzensfeste, Bolzano - IT
2016 Witteveen Visual Art Center - Amsterdam - NL
Premio Combat 2016 Livorno (Catalogue) - IT
Perron Kunstpreis Frankenthal - D
Fritzi Gerber Preis, Galerie Nothburga Innsbruck - A
2015 /16 Cobra to Zero, Museum Mondriaanhuis, Amersfoort / NL (Catalogue)
2014 Works of Change, Gestalt Gallery, Pietrasanta / IT
2013 Galerie LCC Sulzbach-Rosenberg with painter Hedda Weickmann, Nürngerg - D
2011 MAT Solagna, Bassano del Grappa - IT
Kränzelhof Tscherms with Matthaeus Kostner, Tschermes, Bolzano - IT
2010 „Von der Schwingung des Holzes“ Galerie im Feuerwerk, Fügen - A
2009 Toniolo Fondation (Catalogue) Verona - IT
Galerie 90, Mühlbach, Bolzano - IT
Cultura Ladina, St. Martin in Thurn, Bolzano - IT
Monumënc, Kreuzherrensaal, Memmingen – D
Flavio Senoner's sculptural works deal with the materiality of wood and plaster. Through their uplifting and rhythmic structures, he examines potentialities to merger the overlapping contexts of art and design. These refined and elegant works are rooted in minimal and optical art.
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