Bruno Vallazza grew up in an artistic family. Through his father, Hermann Vallazza, he learned how an art locksmith worked. Soon, although, he detached himself from the crafted unique window gratings, garden gates, railings, crosses and much more. The young son developed his own style and discovered next to his love for painting his real passion: the creation of forged iron sculptures in different shapes and sizes.
Bruno Vallazza was different from others. This differentness is incorporated in his sculptures.
He usually went on trips to explore art. To Improve his skills he exchanged knowledge with artists like Miguel Berrocal, Eduardo Chilida or Simon Benetton. He was always looking for inspiration, very often by going through art catalogues.
Endless seemed his thirt for knowledge for topics like art, philosophy, history, music and nature, in particular.
From the 50ies, he created many sculptures. He would only sell a piece, if he had not enough money to live.
Bruno Vallazza was neither a typical artist nor a conventional man. His view of the world was shaped through a very critical lens. He did not think much of materialism and consumption. This rawness is reflected by his sculptures.
Personal Exhibitions:
- 1955 Galleria Vigna Nuova Firenze
- 1963 Werkformausstellung 1963
- 1963 Galleria “Ruscel” Ortisei
- 1975 Circolo Artistico e Culturale Ortisei
- 2017 “retrospettiva” Circolo Culturale Ortisei
Collective Exhibitions:
- 1954 Galleria Domenicani Bolzano
- 1954 Circolo Artistico Ortisei
- 1955 Circolo Artistico Ortisei
- 1956 Galleria Domenicani Bolzano
- 1957 Circolo Artistico Ortisei
- 1957 Gruppo “Ruscèl” Kunstpavillon Innsbruck
- 1958 Gruppo “Ruscèl” casa Cinema Dolomiti Ortisei
- 1958 EXPO Esposizione Mondiale Bruxelles Belgio
- 1959 Gruppo “Ruscèl” casa Cinema Dolomiti Ortisei
- 1960 Gruppo “Ruscèl” casa Cinema Dolomiti Ortisei
- 1960 Circolo Artistico Ortisei
- 1962 fratelli Vallazza Ortisei
- 1962 fratelli Vallazza Erhardgalerie Brixen
- 1963 Galleria “Ruscèl” Ortisei
- 1964 “Gruppo Ruscel” Pavillon Innsbruck
- 1964 Galleria “Ruscèl” Ortisei
- 1964 Galleria Goethe Bolzano
- 1965 Mostra Internazionale dell’Arte del Ferro Lindau Bodensee Germania
- 1967 Concorso Internazionale del Bronzetto Padova
- 1968 Waltherhaus Bolzano
- 1968 Augsburg
- 1968 Invitato dal Prof. Benetton a patecipare come membro ufficiale all’Accademia Internazionale del Ferro a Mogliano Veneto
- 1968 Accademia Internazionale del Ferro Trieste
- 1969 Chiesa S. Caterina Treviso
- 1969 Centro Culturale Americano di Trieste
- 1969 5° Biennale d’Arte del Metallo Gubbio
- 1969 Mostra Internazionale dell’Arte del Ferro Lindau Bodensee Germania
- 1970 Friedberg Germania
- 1970 Chiesa S. Francesco Gubbio
- 1970 24 – 31 Agosto Mostra Marche Documento 1 Circolo Culturale Dimensione Nuova - Loggia dei Mercanti – Ancona
- 1971 Concorso Internazionale del Bronzetto Padova
- 1972 Friedfeld
- 1974 Mostra Internazionale dell’Arte del Ferro Lindau Bodensee Germania
- 1976 Ruhrland Museum Essen
- 1980 Mostra Internazionale dell’Arte del Ferro Lindau Bodensee Germania
- Stoccolma Svezia
- 1976 „presenze e tendenze nell’arte Regionale“ Biennale di Bolzano
- München
- 1987 Mostra Internazionale dell’Arte del Ferro Friedrichshafen Germania (vinto il 1° Premio)
Membro Ufficiale dell’Accademia Internazionale del Ferro in Marocco di Mogliano Treviso
- 1962 Edwin Roth - Neue Schmiedeformen – Verlag Georg D.W. Callwey München
- 1968 Nr. 6 Giunio La Cucina Italiana „Antonio Benetton“ ed i suoi allievi.
- 1997 Il Cristallo Centro di Cultura dell’Alto Adige “Bruno Vallazza una vita per l’arte”
Request information