Rosmarie Burger was born the 27th June 1959 in Schlanders – South Tirol. In 1963 she moved with her family at Kirchhain (Hessen Germany), the home town of the mother. In the beginning of the 80s she began to paint as autodidact. Rosmarie lived alternately in South Tirol and in Berlin. This repeat change gave her important artistic impulses. Their works were issued in Italy as well as in Germany. From 1997 she lived permanently in village Betzies near to Kirchhain where she died on the 3th of February, 2010.
- 2016 Library Schlandersburg Schlanders
- 2015 50x50x50 Art Südtirol Franzensfeste
- 2009 Library Schlandersburg Schlanders
- 2006 Vissidarte Festival Meran
- 2004 Wallerie FreundesArt in Aurich